Find Geriatricians Near You

Geriatric doctors specialize in the treatment of medical issues particular to elderly patients. Read a guide on how to find geriatricians near you today.

The need for proper medical and emotional care increases significantly with aging. Sensitivity and compassion are required when dealing with elderly loved ones, both at home and at geriatric-based medical facilities. Geriatric doctors specialize in the treatment of diseases and ailments particular to elderly patients in addition to those common in patients of all ages. Finding a geriatric doctor near you is easier to do than ever before using a wide variety of online resources.

Some seniors in need of geriatric care are unable to navigate the internet on their own, however. One of the most common causes of elderly abuse is the misunderstanding by loved ones of signs, symptoms and behavioral changes prevalent to elderly people. Treating elderly loved ones the way you expect geriatric doctors to treat them is essential to helping them live their best possible lives during their later years. What are the best ways to find geriatric care near you? How does one pay for geriatric services in 2021? Read ahead for a helpful guide on how to find geriatricians near you today.

Geriatric Care Explained

Geriatric care involves the treatment of medical issues prevalent in elderly people. While geriatric doctors also treat issues common to patients of any age, their specialties pertain to the medical and emotional care of senior citizens. No minimum age is required to see a geriatric care doctor. Some people maintain the incorrect perspective geriatric care is only for patients enrolled in Medicare or those at retirement age or older. This is simply not the case, however. Younger patients in their forties and fifties experiencing diminished physical/mental functionality and/or age-related illnesses also commonly seek geriatric care. 

Geriatric doctors, also referred to as geriatricians, are highly trained to view issues in their patients from a broad perspective. Many elderly patients experience multiple issues simultaneously, each of which potentially requires a different medication for treatment. Understanding possible adverse medication interactions is a primary specialization for geriatricians. The job requires safely prioritizing certain medication prescriptions over others, which are less important to the overall care and well-being of each patient.

Geriatric care also requires a great deal of sensitivity and compassion. This is true for medical professionals and loved ones at home alike. People in need of geriatric care are often approaching the late stages of life or suffering from serious ailments, which greatly reduce their quality of life. Most geriatric patients formerly lived full, happy, active lives. Some carry the emotional burden associated with longing for days gone by. Some are also not receiving the support they need from loved ones at home, either unwittingly or by conscious decision. Others live in isolation. Treating geriatric patients therefore also requires an assessment of their home-life and living environment to make certain they are safe and secure every day.

What Geriatricians (Geriatric Doctors) Do

Geriatricians emphasize overall wellness and preventative treatments as much as or more than they treat symptoms and causes. The management of chronic medical conditions is an absolute part of geriatric care. Preventing patients from experiencing such illnesses and ailments is often a primary goal when possible, however.

Medical Services

Geriatricians provide specialized medical services in association with other care providers involved in the overall care plan designed for each patient. A geriatric doctor is privy to and therefore oversees all medications prescribed from multiple doctors. He or she then modifies medication routines according to what drugs are necessary and what drugs are at risk of causing an adverse interaction. When two or more medicines conflict with each other the priority prescriptions are kept and the others are removed from treatment plans.

Geriatric doctors also promote a healthy aging process by practicing preventative care and a focus on each patient’s overall wellness. Patients are educated about safe ways to stay active and healthy into the late stages of life. Negative concepts about aging are also countered through counseling and consultation.


Aging is a delicate and sensitive process prone to specific injuries and ailments. Certain diseases such as dementia are predominantly experienced by people sixty-five years and older but can begin in patients as young as thirty. Geriatricians specialize in the treatment of dementia and many other illnesses/issues primarily related to aging, which include:

  • Osteoporosis

  • Incontinence

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Failing vision

  • General weakness/bone frailty

  • Vertigo/balance issues

  • Depression

  • Diabetes

  • Heart conditions

  • Hi/low blood pressure

  • Cancer

  • Home-based hazards and risks

Find Geriatric Doctors Near You

Many effective and convenient online methods are available in 2021 for finding geriatric doctors near you. Some patients are unable to navigate the internet, however. Seniors in isolation are more at risk of health issues than those who have a solid support system. For this reason multiple organizations provide a variety of resources to help elderly patients find the care they need. For example, the Older Americans Act (OAA) was specifically created to increase the amount of community-based social services available for the elderly. The Eldercare Locator, sponsored by the U.S. U.S. Administration on Aging provides a phone number (1-800-677-1116) for people unable to seek out geriatric services online. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) also provides two phone lines for English and Spanish-speaking patients through its Family Caregiving Resource Line program. Call 1-877-333-5885 (English) and 1-888-971-2013 (Spanish) for more information.

Online search resources are plentiful in 2021. These resources are fast and convenient to use for elderly patients with access to the internet or family to help them. Top online resources for finding geriatric doctors near you include:

Paying for Geriatric Care in 2021

Paying for geriatric care is core issue for many elderly patients who either partly or completely do not understand their options. Medicare does not cover most long-term care needs such as assisted living and nursing home stays. Medicare also does not cover certain preventative and/or routine care services such as dentures, dental care, hearing aids, glasses and common physical examinations. The good news is Medicare does cover most other geriatric care services in combination with Medicaid (when qualified). 

Medigap is another option used to cover geriatric medical expenses not covered by Medicare/Medicaid. Medigap is available to patients already enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. Its plans help cover additional out-of-pocket expenses in exchange for its premium costs. Additional ways of paying for geriatric care in 2021 include: